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Data recovery after reinstalling Windows

Data recovery after reinstalling Windows is completely possible. As generally the operating system is installed on the system disk C, in cases when the deleted data are placed in the non-systematic disk (D, E, F...), then reinstalling Windows has little effect on the possibility for restoring them when needed.

When working only with one system disk (C), the ability for data recovery after reinstalling Windows depends on whether on this disk are made records or not of a great importance and even after it is possible to recover the information, as on a highly fragmented disk recovery can be performed only manually - in such cases the programs are ineffective.

Data recovery after reinstalling Windows can be done only in the cases when there is no recorded new information. Therefore, it is necessary as soon as you notice that there is a lack of files to immediately stop any action with your computer. It is advisable to ignore the standard ways for switching off - just pull the power cord to disconnect the power of the computer. Only in this way you increased the opportunity for maximum data recovery. Because of the many available programs for recovering data on the Internet often the user attempts to make a self-restore of information which sharply reduces the chances for subsequent recovery of files even by a specialized repair shops.

Many programs often in certain cases not only cannot recover deleted information, but also irreparable damages the file system, which leads to a complete inability for restoring the deleted files.

In any case that requires recovering the data is used a particular approach, so it is the best at a case of a lost information to search the services of the relevant repair shops.

At a case of a loss of important files or arose incapacity of the system, Windows cannot recover without reinstalling, as previously it must has created restore points. Creating such points, fix the system's state at that time, which is saving on the hard disk and at a call of a certain point the system returns to the state it has been when the point was created.
Data recovery after reinstalling Windows


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